Jess and the Ancient Ones Release New Song “Samhain”!

On the most appropriate day to do so, Samhain (aka. Halloween), Jess and the Ancient Ones released another new track from their forthcoming album, Second Psychedelic Coming: The Aquarius Tapes. This song without a doubt got my blood pumping and just fueled the fire of excitement around the release of Jess and the Ancient Ones’ long awaited followup to 2013’s Astral Sabbat EP. This was released via the band’s official Facebook Page:

Sunbeams Dancing Round No More

It is the end of the harvest, and yours truly has been spying the activities of the Ancient Ones…

Earlier today I saw the fires as they were lit at the JATAO ranch during the sunrise. I take it that they could be celebrating the seasons change perhaps?

Anyhow, strange intoxicating drums sounded through the vast surrounding forest. And where fume and smoke collided, a thousand colors could be seen. The explosion of sudden hallucinations made me worry about my mental condition, but I decided to keep pushing forth.

As I tried to move closer from the shades to get a better glimpse of what’s going on, that’s when I heard it. A series of loud prayer-like chants scared me to death! Those words chilled me straight to the bone, and I had to turn away and run.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

When making my way out, I started to hear howling from the direction of the ranch. It’s that damn dog! My presence had not been unnoticed, and I command my legs to carry me faster to the safety of my car. Luckily, I soon notice that no one came after me. Let’s hope that this sensation lasts.

Few hours later I arrived back into the cold embrace of the city lights. And even if these streets are too dead for dreaming, still they strangely sooth my frightened soul.

The family of JATAO soon will know, that I had my tape recorded with me. I managed to catch their sounds on tape, and will publish them right now through Radio Aquarius. Even if in fear of retaliation, even if the Sun is traveling down and those words burn in my mind. The people need to know, the people need to hear.

Samhain! Take all life away!

…and this was the fourth transmission.

We are strangers… we are strange! Second Psychedelic Coming: The Aquarius Tapes will be released to the masses on December 4th!

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