Dark Side of the Moon & Me: Turning 40 Together.

pink-floyd-dark-side-moon--large-msg-134577280838Some people consider hitting “40” to be the beginning of the end. Most even refer to it as being “over the hill.” 40 years ago this year, Pink Floyd released what most would consider one of the single greatest albums of all time: Dark Side of the Moon. If you’re reading this, chances are you own Dark Side of the Moon or at least owned it at one time. It’s a timeless album that was truly lightning captured in a bottle. This year, Dark Side of the Moon and I both turn 40 years old. In some ways I guess you could say that we grew up together and since 1988 (when we were both only 15 years old) have been through ups and downs.

I first heard Dark Side of the Moon back in 1988 when I was in 9th grade. I had heard Pink Floyd songs on the radio and was familiar with the “hits” like “Another Brick In the Wall”, “Comfortably Numb”, and even their more current (at the time) hits like “Learning to Fly” and “Dogs of War.” One day while listening to the radio I heard the song “Time” and for some odd reason it just struck a chord with me. “Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day” just seemed to be a line that resonated with me for some reason. I found myself picking up the album and what I heard was much more than an album full of songs. It was a new friend. It was a new life companion that would see me through many ups and downs. Dark Side of the Moon was a listening experience that was more intense than anything this young 14 year old had ever experienced and let me tell you… I couldn’t get enough of it.

Since 1988, I have own five, count ‘em, FIVE copies of Dark Side of the Moon: 2 Cassettes, 2 vinyl copies (used), and one copy on CD that I still own to this day. It’s one of those albums that once you own and truly listen to it becomes a part of your life. Dark Side of the Moon is an album that I find myself retreating to all the time. When life just seems to get a little too heavy for me, Dark Side of the Moon is the album I put on to loosen the load. It’s the album that goes great in the background over a nice, chill dinner with my wife, and it’s even a great album to take me off into a dream state when l lie down at night to go to sleep. Dark Side of the Moon is a musical chameleon as it adapts to whatever mood or situation I need it to be a part of.

Dark Side of the Moon is like many things. It’s like an old friend that no matter how long it’s been between visits, it’s always like no time has passed. It’s like a really comfy sweater, a cozy blanket, or even a nicely worn in pair of shoes. It’s always comfortable, always reliable, and always there for you. It never gets old, it never gets tired, and it never just goes through the motions. Dark Side of the Moon has been one of my best friends for over 20 years now. Dark Side of the Moon and I have been through a lot together. Together we’ve moved eight times, had five girlfriends, got married, got stoned for the first time, taken countless road trips, and had even more countless nights alone. We’ve flown from Georgia to California and back and even crossed paths in restaurants and bars. Dark Side of the Moon and I have been through a lot together and somehow managed to come through it all unscathed.

As I type this very editorial, Dark Side of the Moon is playing in the background and that beautifully quiet part at the end of “Great Gig in the Sky” just came on. I had to pause what I was doing just to take it in. As I did this I found myself smiling because of the very fact that it had that effect on me. I literally had to stop what I was doing; close my eyes, listen, and feel it. On a rainy, gloomy winter’s day, Dark Side of the Moon is there to help inspire the very words you are reading right now. Today, Dark Side of the Moon was my muse; yet another role of many that this amazing record plays for me.

Happy Birthday Dark Side of the Moon. Let’s do this for another 40 years shall we?

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