Concert Review: Municipal Waste – May 28, 2012 – Atlanta, GA

Municipal Waste/Black Tusk/Irreversible/Spewtilator
May 28, 2012
Atlanta, GA
529 Club

Municipal Waste is a band that I just recently discovered over the last year or so. With an old school thrash/speed metal sound of bands such as DRI, Nuclear Assault, and Exodus, Municipal Waste quickly became one of my new favorite bands. I even had the opportunity to interview lead singer Tony Foresta before and after the release of their newest onslaught The Fatal Feast: Waste In Space. As I waited patiently for tour dates to trickle in, I was tickled bile green when I saw that they were playing at the 529 right here in Atlanta, GA. My first thought was, “Oh wow, this is a really tiny club.” My second thought was, “Oh shit! This is a really tiny club.” No matter how you painted it, I just knew this show was going to be absolute mayhem.

After sitting through three of the least impressive bands I have ever had to sit through in my 38 years of living, the almighty Municipal Waste took the stage (all one foot of it) to what looked like the most violent, sweaty, drunk ass frat party you have ever seen. Without wasting any time, Tony addressed the audience telling everyone, “You motherfuckers do what you need to do but don’t knock over our shit!” With that being said the band launched into “Unleash the Bastards” as Tony was joined on vocals by everyone who could make it to the mic. The show was absolutely mayhem from start to finish as the band delivered a face melting 17 song set that spanned the bands four albums. The new songs such as “You’re Cut Off” and “Covered In Sick/The Barfer” were more than well received by the audience but it was hands down the classic songs such as “Wolves of Chernobyl”, “Headbanger Face Rip”, and “Sadistic Magician” that ruled the night.

I was really blown away by just how tight these guys were. As fun, carefree, and in your face as Municipal Waste is, these guys don’t fuck around or take their music as a joke. These guys are serious musicians and they have sculpted their songs into a fine art of beer, puke, and potty humor. Tony Foresta has to be one of the greatest punk/thrash singers I have ever seen. He nailed every song and his energy matched the crowd’s energy ounce for ounce. The more he gave, the more the crowd gave as bodies flew, cans and cups of beers flew, and multiple guys hung from the ceiling rafters only to flip into the pit. Municipal Waste drew the night to a close with “Born To Party” with a ceremonial sing-along of “Municipal Waste is gonna fuck you up” only to return and make sure everyone had a good face melting with “The Art of Partying.” As the crowd and band emptied out of the venue it looked like a tornado had swept through the club leaving a trail of plastic, aluminum, and alcohol in its trail. That tornado is called Municipal Waste and just be forewarned that it will fuck you up big time. A Municipal Waste show is a fabulous disaster indeed.

Unleash the Bastards
Mind Eraser
You’re Cut Off
Thrashing of the Christ
Wolves of Chernobyl
Beer Pressure
Terror Shark
Wrong Answer
The Fatal Feast
Toxic Revolution
Sweet Attack
Headbanger Face Rip
Covered In Sick/The Barfer
Sadistic Magician
Born To Party

Encore: The Art of Partying

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