Inauguration Day: Time Has Come Today

Inauguration Day
January 20, 2021

Today, American has a hopeful, new beginning with President Joe Biden and Madame Vice President Kamala Harris. After four years of chaos, hatred, and disorder, American will finally rise from the ashes. Racism, sexism, and bigotry, among other things, will no longer be praised or encouraged. Disabled Americans will not be mocked for the world to see, transgender people will not be looked down upon and considered any less human than the rest of us, and we will have a President who will value and share the concern for our world. Instead of internet bullying Greta Thunberg, an 18-year-old, passionate advocate for Climate Control, Biden will be open to listening, learning, and sharing ideas and concerns.

Today we will usher in an administration that has opened doors and broken down barriers to allow gay and transgender people with great experience to put their passions, ideas, and skills to work.

Today we will see the end to support and admiration of hate groups. The hateful mass who put their faith and time doing a violent dictator’s deeds will stand loss and directionless. Their “fearless” leader that promised to stand by them and support them has now boarded an airplane for Florida, leaving them all behind to hold the rope (and guns) for a confused, irrational, and misguided horde.

Today, we will see the beginning of the end of the uprising of hate, and eventually, I believe that love will prevail. The hateful mobs will have no leader, no guidance, and nothing and no one to fight for. Stripped of all of their social media hiding places, the hateful mass will be left to assemble and troll on heavily monitored Facebook groups until their voices are stifled. This is not about freedom of speech being taken away. This is about putting out the spark that leads to a massive, uncontrollable fire. If you don’t like, approve, or agree with anything in this country, you have the freedom to speak your mind. If you plan and execute radical and violent gatherings, you are a domestic terrorist who has lost that right.

Today will be the first day of light after four dark years. 2021 offers a divided country and a scarred world hope. This will not change overnight. One President may never repair four years of damage, but today is a start.

Today is the first day of four years of heading in the right direction.

Today marks the return of compassion and blanketed all-inclusive love.

Today is a good day.

Welcome home, Joe and Kamala. We’ve been waiting.

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