Does it Matter if Your Favorite Bands are Trump Supporters? Read and Decide.

“I am not mad at you that Clinton lost.  I am unconcerned that we have different politics.  And I don’t think less of you because you vote one way and I vote another.  No… I think less of you because you watched an adult mock a disabled person in front of a crowd and still supported him.  I think less of you because you saw a man spouting clear racism and backed him.  I think less of you because you listened to him advocate for war crimes and still thought he should run this country.  I think less of you because you watched him equate a woman’s worth to her appearance and you got on board.  It isn’t your politics that I find repulsive.  It is your personal willingness to support racism, sexism, and cruelty.  You sided with a bully when it mattered and that is something I will never forget.  So, no… you and I won’t be “coming together” to move forward or whatever.  Trump disgusts me and it’s the fact that he doesn’t disgust you that will stick with me long after this.”

I don’t know who it was that wrote this but this showed up as an image on my Facebook wall only a few days after the inauguration of Trump.  No truer words could be spoken about how I feel about anyone who openly displays their support for Trump.  I don’t care who you are, what you do, if you’re family, if you’re my mother, whatever.  If you are a self declared Trump supporter, just own up to the fact that you are all for womanizing, the separating of families, racism, and just all out hatred.  Let’s not forget the lies.  Remember when Trump said he didn’t even know who David Duke was?  How fucking hysterically infuriating was that?

Recently, Exodus lead vocalist expressed his support for the president.  Souza made his comments while giving an interview to Impact metal channel in early July in Budapest, Hungary.  Asked for his opinion on the state of U.S politics since Trump’s election, Souza said: “The economy in the United States… the unemployment is the lowest it’s ever been in the history of the United States. I think [Trump] making the attempt to go to meet [North Korean leader] Kim Jong-un, I think that’s great — that’s what you need to do. People need to touch together, not do it through channels.  Today is the 4th of July — it’s American Independence Day today,” he continued. “It’s a big day for Americans. Even though we’re here, we’re also very aware today is the 4th of July.  So I love the country I live, I support it, and I support the president.”  This is a guy that shared the stage with a band (Municipal Waste) who proudly shows THEIR thoughts on Trump:

Image result for municipal waste trump backdrop

Living in the world of heavy metal, you are going to find all kinds of extremes regarding this issue.  You are going to have the Five Finger Death Punch knuckle dragging mouth breathers yelling for you to quit being a snowflake and a bunch of a pussies to Rage Against the Machine fans who are yelling fight the power and pulling down confederate statues while blasting “Killing in the Name of.”  You’re also going to find the Graveyard, Sleep, and Jess and the Ancient Ones fans just smoking and tripping (it’s all that they do) just wanting everyone to get along and for Trump to just not exist.

This presidency is the most I have ever seen my 44 years on this mudball call Earth divided.  I’m not even talking as a country but I’m talking about as a person.  I have bid farewell to many people in my life who just couldn’t shut their fucking mouths with all the snowflake and pansy ass comments.  “Oh quit you’re crying.”  “Fuck your feelings.”  These were words from people who I thought were friends.  How can I even imagine being friends with these people?  It’s like for years they had their blinds closed but now all of the sudden you can see right through them for the people they are and you find that all along they were just waiting for an excuse, a reason, to let out all of their closeted hatred.  In some ways I consider this not a really bad thing because it just began the vetting process of me ditching all of these ignorant, hateful ogres.

I’ve read a lot of fans commenting on this topic and a lot of them say things like, “Who cares?  They’re musicians.  Can’t you just like their music and get over it?”  Actually, no, I can’t and I’ll tell you why.  For the same reasons that I got rid of people in my life who actually support this fool of a president we have, I have no problems bidding farewell to the bands that I love for backing and supporting him.  In the case of Exodus, it was Zetro that made this comment.  Guitarist Gary Holt has been long outspoken Republican but even he has expressed his disgust over Trump but I’m sorry Gary, you’re singer is an outspoken Trump supporter so by association, you guys are gone for me.  I’m sure you’re saying “Big fucking whoop” but for me, it’s a sad day because  I had to learn that the lead singer of one of my all time favorite bands is totally cool with the ethics of a President that is downright hurtful and disgusting to many of their own fan base.

When I go to shows, I see such diversity.  I see African Americans, Latinos, people of many ethnicities and creeds so you’re going to express your support for this man and not expect your fans of these populations to get upset, pissed, or to even boycott your band?  This also just proves that either you don’t think before you speak, you are completely unaware of the behaviors and ethics of this man (which I doubt) or you’re just a supporter of hate, white supremacy, sexism, and making fun of people in public who are disabled.  I’d be curios to hear which one Zetro is.

I’m sure there are many other bands out there who are Trump supporters but who are, very smartly, keeping their mouths shut.  As much as I hate to say it myself, if you’re not wearing it on your sleeve and you’re keeping it to yourself, I will never know and I will continue to support your music and maybe even like you as a person.  The minute you wear your political views on your sleeve, you have entered open season and your are game for whatever comes your way be it good or bad.

Just in case you’re curious, Zetro, allow me to post some of the comments I got on my blog when I posted my story on your statement:



If I was any artist at all and I saw these kinds of comments that were brought about my statements I would be one of two things: embarrassed or proud.  Sorry but there is no way around this.  Just as the quote that started this argument said, I don’t care if you’re politics are different from mine.  That’s not what makes me want to completely end all of my support for you.  It is your personal willingness to support racism, sexism, and cruelty which pretty much covers a large amount of your fan base.  If those people are willing to overlook it, that’s fine and that is their choice but I will not.

Does this mean I will give up ever listening to these artists?  No.  I will always love my Exodus albums and I will always love my KISS albums but those bands and any others who are brave (or dumb) enough to come out as supporters of this Nazi will no longer have my support.  I will not write about you.  I will not buy your albums.  I sure as hell will not interview you.  I cannot support a band or artist who supports the very ideals that I am against.  I will, however, proudly wear my bootlegged KISS shirt proudly knowing that it was designed by a leftist and that KISS got ZERO money for it.  Consider that a statement.  As for the Exodus shirt that I bought at their last show, anyone wanna buy it?

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